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everything is going to be okay and other (nice) stories
once upon a time once upon a time ….tararitararotarari

S16, SKH
Stockholm, Sweden


Unfinished thoughts, doings, stories around dance phrasing and fragments...
the work operates as a ground that hosts trials and errors. Some of them have occurred during the last year, some even earlier and some are yet to come, some are "mine" some belong to others.  It desires to be a subtle approach of studies on and within dance phrasing and fragments.


Performed by Silja Tuovinen, Alexis Steeves, Korina Kordova, Nefeli Gioti
Special Thanks to Panos Svobotnik for the editing, the sound material from old and current time and always for his support, to Johan Bodin from the Circus Department for making the ringing process possible, to Sara Manente for mentoring the process during spring 2021, to Vasso Polymeni for being around and to all the artists and not only artists that are being part of this project in many different ways even if they are not aware of it.

Video documentation

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