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My artistic activity is emerging and revolving within and through the intersection of dance, choreography, artistic research, performance and speculative and critical fabulation.

It problematises the metaphor of dance being a language and explores the dynamics of this metaphor and its affect on dance and choreography through exploring the concept of dance phrases. Using methods such as practice as research, grounded theory and life stories, my work proceeds into thinking through choreographic practices and performative objects, such as performances, publications, discursive practices and video experimentation.

I explore how fiction can become a method for reflecting on the in-between space of stage and spectator and how this approach affects specifically the context of making dances.

Furthermore, through the choreographic practice “(e)merging fragments and strata” I investigate in practice the difference between meaning and sense and which are the conditions to make them emerge and/or disappear. It is pondering on the craft of confusing and the process of sense-making when fragments, layers and strata are coexisting side by side.

Recently, I am establishing new collaborations to practically research various understandings and perceptions of what it could mean to be on the side of someone's else artistic process. By investigating several roles, modes of agency and authorship in artistic processes I delve into diverse narratives of the artistic identity and the construction of the self through and in the artistic processes. I develop practices and strategies that are in relation to different contexts.

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