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Letter to the audience

I am writing as I realized there are some things I would like to tell you. It is late and I am tired so I will try to keep it short. A small part of the words that you are going to hear comes from a performance lecture I did last December where I worked partially with a writing score experimenting on how to create a “frankestein” artist. The other parts are coming from other writing scores that I tried but I will not extend on them now.  Anyway, I wanted to use whatever I had around me without going into the internet world. But since I had moved in Stockholm only 3 months earlier there were not so many things around in my room. So, the things I had were some brochures, texts and publications that I had kept from a few performances, exhibitions and publications from other artists that I had attended before covid started. In February 2019 I left Kassel where I recently had moved because of covid to go back to Athens. I left all my things there as I thought I would go back. I never went back. So the things traveled with another friend from Kassel to Berlin and then with another friend to Stockholm. And those are the materials that I used at that time for the writing score. I just wanted to share those references: Wu Tsang- There is no no-violent way to look at somebody/ Brother’s Grimm museum in Kassel,/Rachel’s Rose and Forrest’s Bess exhibitions in Fridericianum, Documenta’s archive in Kassel/ a publication of “Choreo-graphic figures, deviations from the line” by Nikolaus Gansterer, Emma Cocker, Mariella Greil/ a publication of “News from the Protoplace” that I took from Eleanor Bauer presentation.
Ah! Also a song that comes at some points is written and sang by Anna Ulusyan and is called Небо Любви. She sang it in an unknown time around the 90’s at some Russian television channel. I found it in my brother’s office drawer when I was leaving in his house in a memory stick and it was a video...but this another story maybe another time.
I also want to thank Panos Svobotnik for sound composing and editing and for his being there the last 36 years, and Silja Tuovinen, Alexis Steeves, Korina Kordova for being great companions and collaborators and Ronald Salas  and Johan Bodin for making it happen and it could go on...
Anyway, and as well I wanted to thank you for being here.





one day

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