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Temperature   in Stockholm Athens..
It feels like...
Walking backwards is one of the actions  I consciously practiced in dance classes.
Lifting  the one leg, bending it, heading the toes towards the back space of the body, feeling and touching  the ground first with the toes, transferring the weight from the toes gradually to the heel.  Walking backwards.
Well this was not supposed to happen this way.
Walking backwards include trusting the other senses apart from the visual one.  
there was supposed to be  conversations here.
Walking backwards can generate other understandings and connections of what does it mean to move forward.
conversations need time, place and space. Sharing space in a place and sharing spaces as places.
Walking backwards impose one body to move slower, to slow down
There was supposed to be an invitation to bring stories together and create a surface with those stories .
Or how me being in Sweden while me too movement rosed in Greece in January try to make connections.
I wondered how  surfaces can become a place of rest for those who need it and a point of struggle against sexual violence.
Walking backwards include trusting moving into unknown places
I realized how this place started working with me as i was working with it.  We working together. The tent became a shelter .  A place to rest to be there with my stories and all the other stories I know, I read about all those stories that I do not know.  
Walking backwards opens up diverse perspectives of positioning and standing in the world
Walking backwards expand the field of vision and touch.Like Sara Ahmed says about wonder. Walking backwards is a wonder an opening up to the not only visual sense.
Time is never linear. I Wonder how the narrative changes and how it doesn't t. Encounter with other People, growing older, the me too work on the narration and demand also for me to work on the incident. But what and when this happen is something g that remains incomprehensible to me.

Walking backwards support reconsidering what it takes to move forward.
Walking backwards supports reconsidering how we arrive in walking forward
. I am wondering if the difficult I encounter to put words on my story is raising the connection between the difficulty of the others to listen to this story. If the silence the numbs of the head with compassion that I am confronted with most of the times is makes this feeling of shame, anger inconvenience, spoiler, victimization take place. I Wonder what work has to be done for those stories to be not the identity but anavoidely part of it. I Wonder if placing other stories next to each other on a surface

Walking backwards opens up different perception of time than linearity.
Walking backwards  makes us wonders about the forth+ness
Walking backwards make the background appearing
Walking backwards opens up what is in front as a landscape so structures can become more visible
Walking backwards  reconnects the background with the front as the porous of the skin connects the the environment with the inside of the body.

This was not supposed to happen this way. There was supposed to be conversation here. But it took it s way. There is something transformational when things materialize. The initial idea started from how can I bring the me too happening in Greece since January 2021 here in Stockholm How could I share and move around the situation. Or how me as a me too how do I stand here and now being in Sweden. But how could I invite other stories to be together with my stories when encounter ING my own story was already Hard enough. As i was doing it I realized that thinking about other People I manage to give space to me also. Maybe it Will become a place for stories of sexual a use and harassment to find a ground. I realized how this place started working with me as i was working with it. The tent became a shelter. A place to rest to be there with my stories and all the other stories. Time is never linear. I Wonder how the narrative changes and how it doesn t. Encounter with other People, growing older, the me too work on the narration and demand also for me to work on the incident. But what and when this happen is something g that remains incomprehensible to me. I am wondering if the difficult I encounter to put words on my story is raising the connection between the difficulty of the others to listen to this story. If the silence the numbs of the head with compassion that I am confronted with most of the times is makes this feeling of shame, anger inconvenience, spoiler, victimization take place. I Wonder what work has to be done for those stories to be not the identity but anavoidely part of it. I Wonder if placing other stories next to each other on a surface

one day

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